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Change starts with our kids

There are many ways that your school can help change the lives of millions of children around the world.

Change starts with you

Are you a teacher, student or parent? There are loads of ways your school can help children who are denied their right to live, learn and grow. Holding a fundraising activity for Save the Children will support our programs which protect children from harm and offer them to access quality education and health services.

Save the Children works across five key areas; education, health, child protection, emergencies and climate change and disasters.

What your school can do

Students are an excellent source of creative and fun ideas for fundraising. From ticketed music concerts and theatrical performances, to food fairs and weekend fun runs, the only limit is your imagination. Your school is invited to come up with an original idea to help inspire children around the world. Here are a few ideas for fundraising events you could sell tickets for, to get the ball rolling:

  • Student vs teacher dodgeball.
  • ​Student vs teacher tug-o-war…
  • Student vs teacher laser tag!
  • …students just love to vs teachers…
  • Host a bake-off and get the students to commentate.
  • Create a dance competition for who can dance non-stop the longest.
  • Ask all students to donate books and hold a book sale.
  • Have a good old-fashioned spell-a-thon (or any kind of a-thon).
  • Whatever it is, make it fun!

Get Started

Set up an online fundraising page; to help your whole school community take part. You will get a unique URL that will allow students, parents and teachers to easily donate. To add some fun, you can set up individual classrooms as fundraising pages and compete for the highest donation!

You could also opt for a more traditional fundraiser by organising offline and collecting cash donations. Simply send your donations via bank transfer, credit card online, or cheque or money order made out to Save the Children Australia and addressed to:

Community Fundraising
Save the Children Australia,
Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country,
Level 9/469 La Trobe Street,
Victoria, 3000.

Don’t forget to include a note telling us about your fundraising activity, who was involved, a contact person and the name of the school, so that we can arrange a certificate of appreciation to be sent. Photos of your event are always highly appreciated!

Need to know more?

Please email the Events team at or phone on 1800 76 00 11.

Stay up to date on how Save the Children is creating a world where every child has a safe and happy childhood