Harriet the student
In Uganda, at first Harriet’s education stalled. In an overcrowded, hot classroom with too many students, she found it difficult to concentrate. That’s when she found out about Save the Children’s Accelerated Education Program. The program is designed to help older children aged 10-18 who have had to drop out of school, to return to learning and complete their primary education.
Harriet immediately re-engaged with her education. “I started learning so many things! I started learning leadership skills, how to make reusable [sanitary] pads, reading, writing… Because when I came I was about to forget things I learnt in South Sudan, but since I joined the accelerated education program, I started learning how to read and write. Now I was even the best!”
Harriet the head girl
With Save the Children’s support, Harriet was able to re-enrol in the mainstream school, where she has thrived. She was chosen by the other students to be Head Girl; a role that came with responsibilities. “I help the younger students. For example, when they go to the school sometimes they are not well dressed. I will now call them and say, ‘You tuck [your shirt] in’. When they are playing outside and there is teacher in the class, I help them: ‘You go and you attend the lesson first, you play maybe during break or lunch.’

Harriet the leader
This gifted girl has big plans for what she wants to do with her education. “In the future I will become a lawyer and in my job I will use English. I want to be a lawyer because I don't want to see my people suffering... I’ve seen a lot of suffering,” she says.
Always the helper, Harriet wants to solve problems back in her home of South Sudan. “When I will achieve my goal and become a lawyer, the next thing to think of is to help my family, my relatives. After, then I will get married… then after that I will be working in the office… I’m going to be the boss of the company.”
With her ambition and drive, there’s no doubt Harriet is bound for great things.