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How to Donate to Syrian Refugee Children

With a once off or regular donation you can make a difference to the lives of Syrian refugee children. Find out how to donate online; every donation counts.

With almost an entire generation of Syrian children having been displaced, they’re now struggling to survive. If you see images of children and their families affected by hunger, war and poverty, you may be wondering how to donate to Syrian refugees. Save the Children emergency aid and response programs in Syria works on the ground to deliver lifesaving support including food, clean water, medicine, clothes and safe shelters.

How To Donate Clothes To Syrian Refugees

With so many Syrian children and their families displaced, you may be wondering if you can donate warm clothes including scarves, jumpers and hats. Unfortunately, we can’t accept these for Syrian refugees as the cost of transporting them to Syria is prohibitive. We can however accept your clothing donations at our Op Shops though, where all proceeds go directly towards supporting our emergency aid and response programs.

How To Donate To Syrian Refugees

To know how to help Syrian children, it’s simple with either a one-off or regular monthly donation. For nearly 100 years, Save the Children’s evidence based programs aid programs and emergency responses have helped millions of children overseas and in Australia. 

Even a small donation can help make a difference with:

  • $70 purchasing winter kits for 3 children including blankets, boots, jackets, socks, scarves and hats
  • $120 providing 6,400 people with safe, clean water
  • $200 giving a family a household kit including bedding and cooking supplies and shelter
  • $507 buying a tent for a family for protection from the cold and rain

Find out more about how your donation can make a positive impact on a child’s life in Syria

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