Building a better future for children in Yemen
"Sometimes, we don't even have enough to eat. And then we had Rami*. It was tough, but we never gave up. We wanted him to have a normal life where he can dream and grow up safe." – Abdullah*, Rami's father.
Rami is an eight-year-old boy who was born with hearing difficulties and talipes equinovarus (TEV), a congenital foot anomaly. His father, Abdullah, is a farm worker in a small village in Yemen and can barely make enough to put food on the table, let alone cover the cost of Rami's medical needs. As a result, Rami spent most of his childhood isolated and struggling to understand the world around him.
The lifechanging impact of support
Last year Ayman*, a Save the Children social worker reached out to Rami's family and provided them with much-needed support. Rami was given a hearing assistive device and received extensive psychosocial support sessions to help him communicate. Abdullah also benefitted from psychosocial support sessions, learning new ways to support his son.
“[Ayman] taught me new ways to help Rami express himself,” says Abdullah, “he also organised a few visits to the health centre where they did a few tests and later provided Rami with the hearing device and that was a life changing event for the entire family.”

Rami*, 8, pictured with the hearing device that he received at a health centre supported by
Save the Children in Hajjah, Yemen.