We have transitioned to online playing and learning – and it’s a hit!
Play2Learn is Save the Children Australia’s largest Early Childhood Care and Development program in Australia and has been running for more than 30 years. Run by trained early childhood staff, the program runs free playgroups to help young children learn to play, socialise, establish routines and prepare for school.
Recently, due to the restrictions imposed by coronavirus, we’ve had to change how we deliver Play2Learn – from face-to-face with peers in a play-based environment to learning at home through tablets, computers and smartphones. The program continues to support children and parents by helping them develop the skills they need to be school-ready.

Play2Learn online maintains the play and learn program from backyards and loungerooms.
Two facilitators thrust into a new challenge
Early Childhood Educator Remonda Nohra and Family Support Worker Satarala Said facilitate the Play2Learn program in the Canterbury-Bankstown area in NSW.
Moving Play2Learn to an online platform hasn’t been easy, says Remonda, as many families have needed to become familiar with new technologies.