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Unlocking innovative solutions in South Asia

We’re not afraid to try something new. By piloting innovative new ideas, we’re creating change for children and families across the region. 

ANCP programs drive change

At Save the Children Australia, we believe that every child deserves the chance to thrive. With the support of the Australian Government, we are pioneering innovative solutions to address the most pressing challenges facing children in South Asia. 

Our focus is on harnessing technology and piloting bold new approaches to create lasting change, ensuring that children not only survive but thrive, even in the face of adversity.

Addressing children’s challenges South Asia

South Asia is home to millions of children who face daunting obstacles, from poverty and violence to limited access to education and healthcare. In this region, children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of discrimination, displacement, and disasters driven by climate change.

At Save the Children, we are committed to tackling these issues head-on, using innovative solutions to create a brighter future for every child. Watch this video to learn about the results achieved through our previous innovation projects. 

Our Current Projects

In the Philippines, we're partnering with chicken farmers to improve their livelihoods and boost egg yields using organic compost and coconut thatched coops. This innovative approach supports local farmers and ensures a sustainable source of nutrition for children and families.

In Cambodia, we're taking a stand against violence towards children by promoting positive parenting practices. We’re combining innovative online and offline approaches to reach caregivers, encouraging them to create safer home environments where children can thrive and reach their full potential.

In Sri Lanka, we're piloting a digital solution to improve access to the government's social welfare registry. Together with the government, we’re helping strengthen the accessibility and inclusivity of the country's social protection system, which is vital to breaking the cycle of poverty for children and families. 

And in Vietnam, we're harnessing the power of educational technology to enhance children's learning experiences. By building an innovative learning app for students, we're empowering children to develop essential skills and unlock their full potential.

We’re proud to pilot innovative solutions to some of the region’s most pressing problems, including
by supporting families to more easily and equitably access government services.
Photo: Save the Children.

Join us to drive change

Our work is driven together with partners and governments, and we welcome collaboration. Together, we can achieve so much more. 

We invite venture capitalists, corporate donors, and government agencies to join us in scaling these innovative projects, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to thrive. Together, we can create a brighter future for children across Asia and beyond.

This work is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

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