Cyclones can cause mass destruction and devastation. Cyclone damage has a significant impact on communities - both short and long-term. And children are often the most vulnerable. With the right cyclone preparation and armed with the knowledge on what to do during a cyclone, you can help minimise the risk of cyclone damage and increase everyone's safety. Below, we’ve put together a list of how to prepare for a cyclone, what to include in a cyclone emergency kit and what to do during a cyclone.
Save The Children has been championing children’s rights for over 100 years. In addition to running programs globally that focus on giving children a bright future, we also provide emergency aid for children and their families in a disaster. If you are in a cyclone-prone area there are proactive steps you can take and knowing how to survive a cyclone is key. Below is how to prepare for a cyclone, what to include in a cyclone emergency kit and what to do during a cyclone.
How to prepare for a cyclone
If where you live is susceptible to cyclones, Knowing how to survive a cyclone along with taking steps towards cyclone preparation will help to minimise risk. Here are three steps you can take for cyclone preparation:
Create a plan. It can be hard to make decisions in an emergency if you’re feeling panicked and often you need to make decisions quickly. Having a plan will help to give you a clear direction on what to do if a cyclone is on its way, and what to do during a cyclone and after. Ensure you have reliable ways to stay informed so you can monitor alerts and know what actions to take and when to keep your family as safe as possible.
Create a cyclone emergency kit. A cyclone emergency kit should include the essential items you and your family will need for short-term survival. Make sure your kit is stored in a weatherproof container in a place that is easy to get to (see below for what to include in a cyclone emergency kit).
Prepare your property. Ways you can prepare your home can include fitting your windows with shutters or metal screens, arranging for a professional builder to check the structural integrity & security of your home and securing loose items. Also, ensure you have adequate insurance in place.
Cyclone preparation for communities
In addition to preparing for a cyclone for you and your family, community preparedness and collaboration for cyclone safety is one of the most effective ways to increase survival and minimise the impact of cyclone damage.
Ways that communities can do cyclone preparation include:
Conducting a pre-cyclone clean up such as removing unwanted materials & rubbish, trimming trees and ensuring drains are clear of rubbish or obstructions.
Ensuring there are effective and reliable forms of communication & alerting systems before, during and after a cyclone
Providing community-wide education about how to prepare for a cyclone and what to do during a cyclone
Identify safe evacuation areas in the community, plan where evacuation centres will be located and ensure supplies are on standby
Have adequate emergency and support services & personnel ready to go when needed
What should you include in a cyclone emergency kit
As mentioned above, one of the steps you can take to prepare for a cyclone is to prepare a cyclone emergency kit. Here is what to include in your kit:
Portable, battery-operated AM/FM radio with spare batteries
Waterproof torch with extra batteries or a wind-up torch that doesn’t need batteries
A complete first-aid kit
Bottled drinking water and non-perishable food items, can opener and cutlery
Protective clothing, such as sturdy footwear, gloves and protective goggles/glasses
A waterproof bag containing important documents like passports, identification, insurance documents and prescriptions
Precious items such as jewellery and medals
Cyclone Plan
Toiletries and sanitary supplies
Other items to ensure you take with you when leaving your home include your wallet, any medical supplies or equipment, phone & charger, important keys, and your pet and their supplies. In addition to your cyclone emergency kit, having hessian bags for sandbags on standby as well as extra fuel supplies is also a good idea.
With the help of the donations we receive, we provide emergency aid to children and their families impacted by cyclones. Whenever a cyclone hits, we are always among the first to provide aid and are there for as long as we’re needed to help children and their families recover.
Vanuatu cyclones
Back-to-back tropical cyclones hit Vanuatu in March 2023, and over 100,000 children are estimated to be impacted. We know that cyclones can have a lasting impact on children and their communities so we are ready to provide immediate aid in Vanuatu and importantly long-term assistance as required to help those affected to recover.
Our team in Vanuatu has been preparing for the imminent cyclones and are focusing on ensuring children and their communities are safe, have adequate shelter, and children can continue to access education as well as other support services they need.
Donate to support our cyclone emergency aid today
To help us provide aid to children and their families impacted by cyclones, you can make a single donation today or become a monthly giver. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.